Recent content by r0tt3n1

  1. R

    Rove's Security Clearance Widely Questioned

    Uhhh, maybe because Libby is likely to have lied to the Federal Prosecutor? Therefor no charges can be made concerning the outing yet because the prosecutor cant get truthful information about the situation? hmmmmmm
  2. R

    Mr Nate's audio download a day

    Thanx bud! :thumbsup:
  3. R


    Thankfully it has been canceled already........... linky
  4. R

    School district in MI votes tomorrow night whether or not to allow ID

    The full quote from the link Giganto linked to: "They did accept the committee's recommendation that the board approve ID as a potentially suitable subject for a high school level elective course in social studies, humanities, political science or philosophy, fall of 2006 at earliest" Why...
  5. R

    POLL: Mark Felt...Hero or Traitor?

    As I was too young to realize just what in the world was going on back then, I only have the `hinddsight` of history to determine from. And, along with some possibly shoddy interpolation of current and recent past events (Iran-Contra anyone?) of mine, just wanted to infer that if a situation...
  6. R

    POLL: Mark Felt...Hero or Traitor?

    Hero, Loser, criminal, etc. dont matter. As long as The Ends Justify the Means, as is heard often lately, no?
  7. R

    Vote to end debate on Bolton fails

    This may well be the case here.
  8. R

    The threat of godless ideologies

    Exactly. The goal of the religious is to have the presence of religion utterly contort our culture, our history, & our present day life. I totally agree with Red btw......
  9. R

    George Will Op-Ed: Validation By Defeat

    Sorry, off topic again, but responses like this kinda validate my position that Will's pieces, more often than not, are hugely biased and promote Democrat, liberal bashing. In a way, they do promote discussion of meaningful subjects. There are numerous thoughts in the article that need further...
  10. R

    George Will Op-Ed: Validation By Defeat

    His pieces are usually a good read. My rant was in response (mainly) to the above poster bashing the liberals. And, as is usual, this Will diatribe does disparages the Democrats as usual, as always etc etc...... He sometimes gives possible solutions to all the problems that the `liberals...
  11. R

    George Will Op-Ed: Validation By Defeat

    Using George Will as an example against liberal elitists is a gigantic oxymoron. A perfect example of calling the kettle black. This guy has always belittled the elitists that dont see things his own way, yet he IS an elitsit (or thinks he is anyway). He is overtly arrogant, always using big...
  12. R

    F@H: Top Ten baby!

    Congrats to our very own RustyNale for breeching TeAm Anandtech's F@H Top Ten list! :):beer:
  13. R

    [bin Laden] Has Secured Religious Approval To Use A Nuclear Bomb Against Americans

    The comment was made that why would he be seeking this `approval` unless he already has da bomb. I would have to agree. Besides frickin SCARY in and of itself, would it not be possible that OBL was also seeking that approval to blow up Baghdad?? Bear with me, now, OBL and his ilk hate the new...