Recent content by oontheroad247

  1. O

    Hot camera deal - Toshiba PDR-M81 4.2 MP + kit for $305 (AR)

    Problem solved (maybe): As I mentioned I would post about what solution comes about from this little sb=nafu. IT appears that I have a bad cable. And yes Toshiba said that they have had quite a few returns regarding this. No need to worry since Toshiba has agreed to corss ship out another...
  2. O

    Hot camera deal - Toshiba PDR-M81 4.2 MP + kit for $305 (AR)

    Thanks for the replys guys, however there is really no resaon why I should have to go out and get a card reader although I am in agreement with you about all of the points you brought up. I also forgot to mention that is on PC. I will be looking at getting card reader in the future, however...
  3. O

    Hot camera deal - Toshiba PDR-M81 4.2 MP + kit for $305 (AR)

    First off I would like to send a BIG thank you to csiro for finding this deal - got my camera over the weekend and so far so good excep tone thing: Is anyone else having a difficult time downloading images into your computer? For whatever reason it will recognize that the camera is connected...
  4. O

    WARM? ANTEC SX830 $80 after MIR at BB, B&M

    Is it possible to do a PM at BB, B&M using Just wondering??? Thanks
  5. O

    ~~~~ I WANNA ~~~~

    I am looking for a 19" flat screen top of the line model. The one caveat is I want to purchase it from Amazon and use my MCI $150 coupon. Can you guys give me some suggestions as to which model to go with? I want quality and willing to go $400 - $425. Plus the coupon value so in the...
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    ~~~~ I WANNA ~~~~

    I am trying to help out a friend who is getting a new notebook. They are looking for a name brand, example Dell or Toshiba, maybe SOny. Anyway she missed out on the Dell deal a while back and has the cash. Looking for a 700 PIII, minimum memory (already has a 128 Dell chip, thus woul dlike to...
  7. O

    I brand notebook

    I am trying to help out a friend who is getting a new notebook. They are looking for a name brand, example Dell or Toshiba, maybe SOny. Anyway she missed out on the Dell deal a while back and has the cash. Looking for a 700 PIII, minimum memory (already has a 128 Dell chip, thus woul dlike to...
  8. O

    Good Deal on ATX Case at Fry's: $29

    Do you have a SKU or # on the one you found. I was just there today and landed an Antec ATX case - I went looking for a "cheap" one with a 300W supply and I could not find any, much less one for only $30.00 bucks or so.
  9. O deal a roo on Cable/DSL Router with 4 10/100 switched ports

    Thanks for the feedback so far. Any thoughts as too which is the better performer since they are both going to come out to about the same price.
  10. O deal a roo on Cable/DSL Router with 4 10/100 switched ports

    Thanks mucho Bagger ~ as you can tell, still trying to get the hang of it...
  11. O deal a roo on Cable/DSL Router with 4 10/100 switched ports

    Just throwing this out there and would appreciate others opinion on this "deal". (where did I put that fire retardant suit?) ~ Oh there is OK - flame away. BTW ~ thanks to mikken for the heads on the offer. OK here it goes... has a $30 off $150 or more for existing...
  12. O

    *BLAZING HOT* 128MB PC133 RAM for $59.99

    Whoops sorry about that - you just need to click "continue shopping" and there it is!
  13. O

    *BLAZING HOT* 128MB PC133 RAM for $59.99

    Ahh ~ FYI - Your link is not working (it takes you to the shopping acrt) and I did not see the deal you got. Got another link? Thanks
  14. O

    Skiing Trips!!?? DENVER OR BUST!!

    If ya want cheap (FREE!!!) skiing, try Crested Butte, located in Colorado and is known as one of the last REAL ski towns/resorts left. I know up until this past seson they offered free skiing from opening day (usually around Thankksgiving) until mid - December. Just call 800 information and...