Recent content by kitatech

  1. kitatech

    Need a new Radio

    If you're not planning on using it for navigation, you can get a high quality DVD/CD player with bluetooth for under $200 plus installation. I got a Pioneer as above with steering wheel controls and Pioneer rearview incl. dash kit (cost varies a lot with car model, the Camry's...
  2. kitatech

    Lowest total cost-of-ownership (5 year timeframe) used car for $6k or less

    I'm always amazed at people who think that having to replace any part on a car is a sign of its impending doom, or of poor manufacturing quality....perhaps it's the people who never look under the hood, the people who think they shouldn't have to...isn't that why all the cars have warning lights?
  3. kitatech

    Low end gaming pc for photoshop?

    I called Micro Center and the above PC @ 899 can be 'customized' (something not clearly stated on the website) and I can add a 2T HDD for $62.....I can add RAM later if needed and same goes for a discrete GPU...for a total of $961 + shipping.... Thanks for the suggestion to check out
  4. kitatech

    Low end gaming pc for photoshop?

    BF is EXACTLY what I'm planning for NOW....thanks... I went back to Microcenter and looked at their gamer PCs and did find this one: Again, it just about meets my "specs".....doesn't have a discrete GPU but perhaps I won't need...
  5. kitatech

    Lowest total cost-of-ownership (5 year timeframe) used car for $6k or less

    My 05 Camry (@ 97k miles with a new dealer-installed clutch) cost $6500 in '12.... 4.6 years/48k mile costs since incl all maintenance (oil changes, and parts/repairs: starter, alternator, mount, front stabilizers, battery, brake pads, hoses, tint and new paint on roof and hood), excl tires and...
  6. kitatech

    Low end gaming pc for photoshop?

    Sure....I live in Palm Beach County, Florida....not too far from Trump International Golf Club...and no NOT in the county jail. I thought I go to Microcenter's website and they had a $1k HP desktop that meets ALL my spec's...i7, OS10, one SSD, one HDD, discrete GP card and 16gb memory...but...
  7. kitatech

    Low end gaming pc for photoshop?

    Unfortunately, no MC anywhere near me...
  8. kitatech

    Low end gaming pc for photoshop?

    I thank you all for you ideas.... Firstly, the nice thing about going to a game-builder is that I can reverse build the machine down to "bare bones," "down-grading" parts in the customizing process from what gamers might lust for to my basic needs...I also like the idea that gamer builders...
  9. kitatech

    Low end gaming pc for photoshop?

    I've been looking at Cyberpower initial build there along the above specs is under $1200...and looks good....again, thanks.
  10. kitatech

    Low end gaming pc for photoshop?

    I guess I should have been more clear...that $1k seems to be what I'd HAVE to spend to get what I thought I listed.... ...that the name-branded PCs cost a lot more for want I thought I needed, and their PCs much less than $1k got me a lot less....and so...$1k seems to be a...
  11. kitatech

    Low end gaming pc for photoshop?

    I'm not a builder but know enough about PCs as to what I should look for in terms of components and such... 1. PS should be more than the measly 200-300 watts found in most off-the-shelf major 400-500 2. Should have minimum 16GB 3. Should have minimum i5 4-core, though i7 quad...
  12. kitatech

    Does anyone here have a 2005 or similar Camry?

    Glad for ya....glad you got a reliable/honest mechanic too! Post this on Toyotanation too, will ya?
  13. kitatech

    Most reliable used compact SUV for the long haul

    No one's mentioned the Toyo longer made (too similar to the Highlander) but one I always liked (being built on the Camry platform) for looks and reliability....
  14. kitatech

    Should I sell my car or repaint and keep?

    Paint to protect, not for looks...I HAD to paint the roof and then the hood on the Camry...went with flat black on the roof at an indie shop...$300. The hood in OEM color was done at MAACO (their best paint work) for $350....choose a shop in an upscale 'hood to get the best job. The bumper...
  15. kitatech

    How few miles a year do you put on your car?

    From '94 to '12 I averaged 18k (2 daily drivers taking me to 184k and 195k miles)....since '12 I'm averaging only 10k.