Recent content by FrOsTxxbYtE

  1. F

    Post your picture and get only negative reactions.

    this guy actually looks like his icon!!!
  2. F

    They got beavis

    wow, that looks exactly like, why is he so cut up???
  3. F

    Hot women from old science fiction shows...

    i like that girl from the show "weird Science"
  4. F

    U.S. automakers' brands get a bum rap

    And who the hell thinks KIA makes good cars? Are people really that stupid? :confused: i hate KIA , as much as i hate civics
  5. F

    Quite possibly the worst Idea ever!

    wow.. that actually is the dumbest thing i have ever seen
  6. F

    A joke for you.

  7. F

    Man evicted after living on golf course for 40 years

    how can u have a wife and live under a bridge???
  8. F

    Baddest *mofo* of all time? (movie character)

    Tom Cruise in YOUNG GUNS
  9. F

    POLL: Do you think the rover will get off the Spirit lander?

    yes, at least i hope so....:beer:
  10. F

    Should I go get stitches?

    pics pics
  11. F

    Have you ever seen a better drunken burger?

    i didn't know that was cheese till the second
  12. F

    My big brother just died.. *update please help me pay for his casket*

    damn man i'm so sorry, make sure to help your little bro even though this is probably just as hard for you
  13. F

    HOLY COW!!!! Woman's Skin Falls Off, Miraculously Survives!!!

    that is the nastyest thing i have seen all year