Recent content by dugr

  1. D

    Nvidia Buys AMD ..... Shock, Horror, Amazement

    Can we say APRIL FOOLS!
  2. D

    should I unlock my XP1800?

    << If you want to!! For example - theres no point unlocking the CPU if you are not going to actually change the multiplier and overclock it. I am sure thats what he is planning...I am considering buying an Athlon XP chip and I too am curios in the o/c capability To properly answer you you...
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    should I unlock my XP1800?

    so the answer to original question is _______.
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    CPU upgrade?

    You know, I was checking CPU prices and it kinda dawn on me that there isnt a whole lot of upgrade I can get as far as cpu speed is concerned. I've always thought if I ever upgraded it would be double of what I currently have....maybe I should start asking the question, what mobo/cpu combo...
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    CPU upgrade?

    Hopefully someone can help w/this question. I have an Abit BX6 rev2 mobo and currently running a Celeron 550, oc to 850... I would like to upgrade the CPU but I do not know what I can upgrade to. I know its a Slot 1,fsb 133?, but thats it...can anyone tell me the fastest cpu I can upgrade to...
  6. D

    What is SaveNow?

    yes I think u are right,.,.by the way,Bear Shares rulz!, I noticed it too after I loaded the latest ver.of BS...nad yes I have deleted it! l8tr
  7. D

    Weird rebooting problem.

    I would suspect your PS but since u replaced it then it may be the power source..try taking the entire pc to a friends and see what happens...if same thing then ya its prolly the cpu.... dugr
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    zone alarm

    Zone Alarm is a great program......I have a couple of mp3 search programs and once your ip addr is known, you get bombarded w/queries...but hey, zone alarms handles them fine! dugr
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    Epson printer prob

    Yes I tried to calibration program...I was able to print a color page nicely. I went to and found a link to a page titled something like &quot;not printing black&quot;, still wont work. Gotta be the black ink head...ya I was debating in buying a new cartridge but I really dont think...
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    Epson printer prob

    I have an Epson Color Stylus 500 which was working fine until we moved and I neglected to intall the transport clip on the printer head. Now it only prints blank pages. I reinstalled latest drivers...replaced both cartridges,auto cleaned heads but nothing...Help, cant afford a new printer just...
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    Nvdia driver 6.72/ missing girl

    I'm ok now...I found it under the TwinView tab, under Output device. Never seen it like that before.thanks anyways
  12. D

    Nvdia driver 6.72/ missing girl

    I thought I would check out this beta driver.I uninstalled 6.50 and after loading this driver all is well except I no longer have Nvdida girl, meaning I cannot adjust my screen resolution. I desperately need this since Nvdia is very dark in alot of games.Help please
  13. D

    What are the best detonators to use with my GeForce2 MX & DX 8a?

    I have the latest official drivers from NVidia and was wondering first, since I dont have ANY problems w/this release, if I should upgrade to one of the beta drivers? Second, if I do upgrade to say, 7.52, do I have to remove old driver first? I dont think I removed release 6.49 when I upgraded...
  14. D

    Geforce 2 MX overclocking results, whats yours?

    Herc retail....core 220 mem 215 :) I use Nivdias default o/cing option 5750 was my highest 3dmark 2000, I think,cant remember.
  15. D

    Geforce2 MX which one?

    Herc retail- 220/215! :)