Recent content by DrDavid

  1. D

    Top 5 fun games of 2003.

    1. americas army 2.0 (this is gonna be the GOTY every year til they stop supporting it :) ) 2. nothing 3. tiger woods 2004 4. GTA vc 5. championship manager 4 payne2 looks nice but isnt much of a game... i am so fed up with all ww2 shooters.... nfs:u? nah i 'll wait til project gotham...
  2. D

    9800SE any good???Why so much cheaper?

    neither the cpu nor the gfxcard is oc.... dont feel a need to...yet :D apparently some ppl get a copy with poor pipes and getting artifacts, but not me, so maybe i am just lucky... the pic quality is great, and so is the aiw function (wasnt the main reason i got it tho.. hehe) btw i got it...
  3. D

    9800SE any good???Why so much cheaper?

    the 9800se owns!!!! i got an hercules aiw 9800 se and i get >5000 3dmarks03 points ,softmodded (3680 std drivers), with the setup below! just make sure u get a 256bit version!!
  4. D

    AIW 8500DV -> AIW 9600 Pro?

    get an aiw 9800se and softmod it :D
  5. D

    Confused about best card: Radeon 9800 SE or 9600 XT?!!..

    well, softmodded a 9800se owns (at least my aiw 9800se). BTW i got 12860 3dmarks2003....:D.... i guess i have to run a patch on the proggie, coz most of the times i get just over 5000
  6. D

    Just bought a new AIW 9800 SE (soft-moddable) card, reckon it's good?

    sorry but i have been buzy: i just bought a new car! :D ok, i uninstalled the drivers that came with card and installed softmodded 3.9....and .... now i get 5034 (average) 3dmarks!! no i havent overclocked it and nor do i intend to (at least not in the near future) conclusion: GET THIS...
  7. D

    Just bought a new AIW 9800 SE (soft-moddable) card, reckon it's good?

    with the setup below i got 935 3dmarks03 with an aiw9800se i get 3653! :D yeah i know one of the reasons is bcoz it now actually can run all scenes but still it is an AWESOME difference (not just the fps but image quality as well) i am gonna do a clean install with xp and...
  8. D

    Just bought a new AIW 9800 SE (soft-moddable) card, reckon it's good?

    hey richdog, i just got my card!!! :D it looks exactly like the card u bought, so i am going to try to softmod it ASAP!!
  9. D

    Just bought a new AIW 9800 SE (soft-moddable) card, reckon it's good?

    Thanx richdog!! i have just found my new homepage! :D like u i have had a gf3ti200 and was looking for a new card; after reading the hexus review i ordered a hercules aiw 9800 se (which i guess is what ur new card is)...gonna get it @ half price hehe....PLUS u get AIW! :D
  10. D

    9800 non-pro discontinued or something?

    does flashing the bios only work on sapphire cards? or will it work on hercules 9800np as well??
  11. D

    Creative's P10?

    creative is apparently going to produce their own GPU which should compete with nvidia and ati (and i guess matrox ;))...! has anyone heard or seen any specs/pics?!?!! i want to know!!! :D:D
  12. D

    flashing BIOS without floppy?

    can/should i do it? i got an asus a7m mobo that still got rev 1.003, but now there is a 1.006 version out and i thought i was time to do an upgrade.. i dont have a floppy drive so i was wondering how i should do it in winxp (i got a hd with win98se also ...somewhere). can it be done??!
  13. D

    Which high-end monitor?

    well, my experience with samsung 1200nf is pretty disappointing so far; poor brightness and the focus isnt what i anticipated but that might have something to do with my standard gf3...
  14. D

    whats games have the best graphics?

    well, LCM, maybe time for a reinstall of wind'ohs....;) the best graphics right now can be found in Serious Sam SE !! and yes, IL2 has got some nice gfx :D
  15. D

    I need a geforce 3 overclocking utility....

    there is also rivatuner quite useful !