Recent content by boss6021

  1. B

    Whats the most disturbing movie scene...

    Most of the scenes from Hostel. When i first started watching this movie, i was like "hell yeah boobies" then after it, i was like "F Amsterdam". I cringed a few times during that film. Mike
  2. B

    No active desktop in XP 64?

    One can only hope. It had to be, one of the worst features of all time. Good in theory, but piss poor in practice. The only thing i would miss, is the customers i have that use it, and get the computer cooties. Mike
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    It is a virus pattern file. I use the scanners almost daily here at work. Mike
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    Dreaded BSOD Error

    Another common problem relating to that particular error is drivers. I would check the temps then driver versions. Personally i would pull all un-necessary hardware out and make sure there was not a power issue as well. Mike
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    Is there ONE good reason why marijuana should be illegal?

    How many people do you know that have died becuae of marijuana? Now, tell me how many of you know of people who died because of alchohol or meth? I think it should be a loss-of-life issue. This particular herb should be classified as just that, an herb. There are plenty of other herbs that have...
  6. B

    How many would rather have Communism than the current Republicanism?

    Well, you are in luck. If we change our history, DNA, and apparent need for violence, anarchy could be possible. What am i talking about, there is no chance of humans ever giving up being the followers and mindless zombies. /sarcasm We all need a little guidance and restriction. /end.sarcasm I...
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    Forty Five Percent in the US Believe . . .

    It's a moot point. Pointless. What would be the point of discussing something such as this? To better understand it? If it happens, will you be here to say "I told you so!"? There is no logic behind any of this malarky. There is never to be any understanding of religion. The vast majority of...
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    Forty Five Percent in the US Believe . . .

    I honestly still cannot see the discernment between liberal and democrat. You are both being fu**ed. It is irrelevant which side you are on. There is no winning side. The only rapture that exists is the one for man to consume himself, and all others. If you think for one second that going to...
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    Fox News pwns a Christian extremist

    Religious extremists are just people who can't deal with reality, so they form a spiritual crutch. This is all fine and well (since i group them into the same category as people who have imaginary friends) until they take it upon themselves to show you their crappy excuse for a crutch. They...
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    Michael Savage had a great idea for illegals in our prisons

    The thing i don't get is blacks were not the only ones to be enslaved in history. Yet, we still here about it as if it happened yesterday. They also were not the first. Every ethnicity has been enslaved at one time or another. My stance is this, quit bitching about what my and others forefathers...
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    How can i make an entire page print in IE?

    It is possible to "attempt" to uninstall it. I have personally only witnessed two successful uninstalls. My point was, if you are going to try it assume you are going to be stuck with it. I suppose it would have been better if i would have given the generic beta warning. Try at your own risk...
  12. B

    How old are you?

    Might want to check some of the prices here. It is not cheap at all. I make a good living and won't be getting a house anytime soon. I am a network admin at a local company. I'm not making what i'm worth but i'm going back to school to try and change that. Just my $.02. Mike
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    USA is #1.

    The case is known as Montana vs. Newman. Here is the official PDF1 PDF2. Her name is Sandra Newman. Yes she was prosecuted in Montana. There was a lawyer's convention here not too long ago, and guess who the topic of discussion was? This county, and many others i have heard of, are so corrupt...
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    USA is #1.

    I apologize for the single point of view. It's an extremely lengthy case. For them to sieze your property all they (the government that be) have to do is have reason to think you distributed and profited enough to buy said house and car. Which the neighbor so graciously provided a reasonable...
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    USA is #1.

    There was marijuana at the residence. Which happened to be my uncles. We agreed to have him stay with us while he found a job. Come to find out, he had no intentions of getting a job. He had just been released from Salt Lake City prison. They found 3 ounces. 3 ounces in the state of Montana is a...