Recent content by Aenygma

  1. A

    What antivirus program do you use?

    AVG Pro Been using it for years. Own three licenses, have had no issues.
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    Delete please
  3. A

    Help. After Uninstalling Crysis Demo, Lost Run Box

    I dl/ed and installed the Crysis demo recently. After trying the game, I decided to uninstall it. As per usual after I run the uninstall program, I then go to Start>Run and look in the registry for any bits left over. When I went to Start - Run the "RUN" box would not come up at all. I do...
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    Crysis single player demo

    Does anyone know if the demo comes with Punkbuster?? Thanks in advance.
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    Crysis single player demo

    Well................ I didn't love it (Ducks) I loved FarCry, still to this day my favourite SP game. This had way too many buttons and such for my liking. Now, having gotten that out of the way I had a VERY STRANGE problem occur after I un-installed it. When I went to Start - Run the...
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    COD 4 - Your thoughts?

    Have to say, I really didn't love it. I still find COD2 more fun. Most points have already been stated. Only other thing I would add, would be more personal, since I know I don't use a normal config setup for my button layout. I found it to be too many different buttons for the setup I...
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    COD 4: PC Demo Now Available

    I want to know if this demo has a rootkit-esque feature in it like BioShock.
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    Dell E207WFP

    I don't think it has height adjustment... so in that sense paired with your 2005 it "might" look funny.
  10. A

    Is there a way to have my name changed??

    Hi, I use a different name all over the internet, except here, and would like to change it if possible. The name I want is available. Thanks :)
  11. A

    What type of Scotch do you prefer?

    The clear type. I mean why bother with yellowing?? :D
  12. A

    2005FPW... Contrast is greyed out... normal??

    (said in a nice, fun way...) If you would read my posts, you would see I addressed that in my second post. I know Dell did it, I am just wondering if anyone knows why they did, as my other LCD from Sony lets me. :)
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    2005FPW... Contrast is greyed out... normal??

    Anyone?? bueller, bueller... I mean why would they grey that feature out. I could always access it with my Sony LCD.
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    2005FPW... Contrast is greyed out... normal??

    Yep, did that already... she checked out good to go. I found no dead, stuck, or lazy pixels Yay.