Recent content by acriticalcookie

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    SSD installing question

    I don't have enough space on my SSD. What I want to do is have my mech drive for games, and all data, but have my SSD for Windows and one game.
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    SSD installing question

    Will I have to reinstall everything or will Windows read everything as it did before?
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    SSD installing question

    (Yes, I have read the sticky!) For installing a boot drive, do I just install Windows, and everything from the 1tb drive I have will stay on there and be fine?
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    Moba thread

    What game do you play, what role do you main, and what characters do you play? Me: Smite Jungle Thor/Fenrir
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    Objectivism debated seriously

    As an objectivist, I've noticed that most people just laugh at Ayn Rand, however, I was wondering, what are your thoughts on objectivism as a philosophy? Is altruism/collectivism evil? Do men need to be rationally selfish individuals?
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    Is libertarianism too rational?

    I'm off to play Smite, I have to practice jungling tonight. Have fun, minarchists! I'll still peacefully advocate for a society in which I want to live.
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    Is libertarianism too rational?

    That argument is regurgitated whenever someone wants to make a major change to society. Oh, I forgot to mention in a post! I consider myself an anarcho-capitalist. "Throughout history, there were men who took first steps down new roads, armed with nothing but their own vision." -Ayn Rand. (I...
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    Is libertarianism too rational?

    Alright then, get back to me when a state works on a large scale, as well. Stopping crime, creating new things, keeping people from murdering, etcetera.
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    Is libertarianism too rational?

    Again, this argument can go for either party. There are several places in the world with oppressive states (I'd argue every state is oppressive, but you can measure levels of oppression in this instance). You could move to North Korea, or Cuba, where the government is fairly controlling of your...
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    Is libertarianism too rational?

    You are regurgitating the same argument over and over again, based on the premise that humanity naturally wants to control others. (You can try to say you aren't but that's what a state is, a controlling collective.) Remember, during the Qin dynasty, there were most likely individuals who said...
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    Is libertarianism too rational?

    Every state that has existed up until this point has fallen, as well. I'll propose an idea for you. Voluntary interactions can also allow states, as well. If you want to live under a state, you can, but it has to be voluntary. Everyone who wants to live in a state can live under a state. I...
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    Is libertarianism too rational?

    Typical collectivist, statist nonsense. Individuals in history were constantly bullied by collectivists. Giordano Bruno, for example, was executed for his heliocentric ideals. Every horror that exists in society results from collectivism, and a state is just another form of collectivism.
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    Is libertarianism too rational?

    Can you point to a single society in which the state has protected the people and NOT hampered progress? Can you name a society with a state that has existed without history? States are not stable. They collapse, they are overthrown (violation of the NAP, as well), and they are changed...
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    Is libertarianism too rational?

    Do you really think that evolution was just a physical thing? Eventually humanity will shrug off the idea of a state. We are slowly becoming peaceful, thoughtful creatures who are capable of so much more. I dream that one day you'll join me. A world without collectivism, a world without...