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  1. ISAslot

    Let's Do The Time Change Again.

    why not change business hours rather than the time itself?
  2. ISAslot

    Found some old screenshots from back in the day

    These are from late 2001 - early 2002 A new The forums were not always friendly SETI at home rankings A sad day. I built my first rig using Egghead. My ATI All-in-wonder came from there (Graphics card with TV and video inputs). Microsoft referencing one of the first...
  3. ISAslot

    Mustang GTD

    I don't get the value proposition here. Wouldn't it be better just to buy a base mustang and put $100k into it? It would be even more rare and probably more capable since it didn't waste expense with stupid stuff like F22 parts.
  4. ISAslot

    Mustang GTD

    it's things like this that make me feel like i slipped into some alternate universe
  5. ISAslot

    NFC/RFID Authentication Flow

    After more research and asking around the flow is as follows: User taps > reader and card/phone handshake > reader uses preprogrammed private key to generate unique code > returns code to host device See: Example card type...
  6. ISAslot

    NFC/RFID Authentication Flow

    The code is identical each time. How would this 'check' take place? What's stopping someone from obtaining the code and programming an identical NFC card?
  7. ISAslot

    NFC/RFID Authentication Flow

    Our facility just got upgraded with new door readers that can use NFC through cards or phones to grant access. I'd like to also use cards or phones to provide authentication to our instrument use system. Could anyone direct me to information on how I would securely set this up? We were provided...
  8. ISAslot

    Will people still be buying home p.c.'s in 2020?

    I'm still using the same PC I built in 2013.
  9. ISAslot

    I Find It Hard To Believe That Chimpanzees Share 98% Of DNA With Humans

    I've been to a Florida Walmart, not surprising at all.
  10. ISAslot

    If you could be famous, in what would it be?

    The most popular slot in the world (even more popular than OPs mom ;))
  11. ISAslot


    "An AnandTech user made 10,586 forum posts... this is what happened to his reproductive organs" ;)
  12. ISAslot

    Time for a Miata

    Gah, I almost pulled the trigger on a red manual 2023 GT soft top. In the end, I just couldn't justify it.
  13. ISAslot

    Time for a Miata

    I still want one. Not happy with the new color though.
  14. ISAslot

    2023 Self-driving Discussion thread

    Think I could get more for my Tercel if I say it comes with L0 autonomous driving?
  15. ISAslot

    News Mazda Rotary engine is back as an Electric Range extender.

    The creation of this vehicle will now allow the venn diagrams of engine issues for RX7 enthusiasts to over lap with hybrid owners on apex seals.
  16. ISAslot

    Canada is sending its tank to Ukraine!

    4 tanks?! now Canada has -3 tanks.
  17. ISAslot

    News Mazda Rotary engine is back as an Electric Range extender.

    I wonder what RPM it will spin while charging.
  18. ISAslot

    The Corvette SUV is on the way!

    and the semi, the carrier
  19. ISAslot

    News The new 2023 Prius is Hot?

    I like a Prius ‽
  20. ISAslot

    Look how they massacred my boy: the 2024 Mustang

    Not a fan of those headlights, but the rest is fine.
  21. ISAslot

    AI-Generated Artwork Won First Place. Artists aren't happy

    Couldn't you just have the AI generate the concept and show you exactly what to draw and then only show the steps in your process from that point forward?
  22. ISAslot

    Replacing exhaust manifold 2014 F150 Ecoboost

    If there is any rust count on a bad time. I've done this and ended up removing the head to drill out the broken bolts. Though, I wouldn't think things would be that bad yet on a 2014.
  23. ISAslot

    AI-Generated Artwork Won First Place. Artists aren't happy

    What if you use AI to generate a scene that inspires you and paint the inspired scene yourself, would you need to disclose that? If I look at tons of legit paintings and am inspired to create a work by them, you don't typically disclose that.
  24. ISAslot

    What will you be the Patron Saint of?

    insertion consent
  25. ISAslot

    HELP - how can I quickly get rid of a beet red sunburned red face?

    Okay guys, i probably shouldn't post this out loud but I have to rant. If we are all joining in on a life insurance policy on saltynuts, why is the payout so low? With all of us on it we hardly get anything. What is the point?
  26. ISAslot

    News Cadillac Lyriq seems to be a winner

    To me, it's as if someone took the line separating like and dislike and made a car out of it.
  27. ISAslot

    How often do you flush...

    never. I'm always afraid the drain valve will fail and I'd be stuck with a bigger problem
  28. ISAslot

    One very large monitor vs multiple small monitors

    Used to have 3, but now one monitor at 5120x2160 and I prefer it.
  29. ISAslot

    V _ _ _ ger

    Yup, and it obviously caused a buffer overrun. Reality should freeze up at any moment.
  30. ISAslot

    Real-world McGyver? Passenger force to land small plane, after pilot falls ill.

    i only saw the episode where he takes off using a log and a muddy trench to replace the front wheel.
  31. ISAslot

    really rusty underside

    Fluid Film FTW
  32. ISAslot

    Article Gamer's Nexxus and Jonny Guru

    I saw this vid and thought, hey I know that name!
  33. ISAslot


    The 'personnel' listing sets off my scam detector.
  34. ISAslot

    The James Webb Telescope

    It won't directly be in the shadow since it needs sunlight for power.
  35. ISAslot

    Remote start with Keyfob requires a subscription fee on Toyotas

    I wonder if there would be any issue using an aftermarket remote start system.
  36. ISAslot

    DIY repair on quarterpanel rust- advice requested

    i've had good success with using epoxy. Just get rid of the rust. if you have a hole use some mesh epoxied from the back side. Then just fill, let dry, and sand down. I then hit it with primer.
  37. ISAslot

    Anyone ever snarf other peoples pizza at Chuck E Cheese?

    um, if you don't do it, the place just re-serves it themselves (seen vids).