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  1. Meghan54

    Negro Leagues' statistics will be incorporated into Major League Baseball’s historical records.

    When McGuire himself states he used steroids, I’ll take him at his word. Of course, he majorly downplayed their effects, but did admit steroid use. btw…steroid use was never about increased hitting power (red herring introduced by the steroid cheats) but the much quicker recovery times. Lots...
  2. Meghan54

    Negro Leagues' statistics will be incorporated into Major League Baseball’s historical records.

    As to your last point…it’s true baseball hadn’t outlawed “recreational” steroid use prior to McGuire, et al, getting “caught” using them, but it was illegal per US law to possess/use them without MzD prescription. They were illegal despite the MLB loophole.
  3. Meghan54

    Negro Leagues' statistics will be incorporated into Major League Baseball’s historical records.

    Wow. Thx for clueing me in that wins, losses and batting averages are advanced statistics. 👍
  4. Meghan54

    Russia on brink of ... NOPE! Russia INVADES Ukraine!

    Sounds kinda like when Eisenhower sent advisors (approx 700 incl troops) to Vietnam. Certainly hope this doesn’t turn out the same.
  5. Meghan54

    Ohio SOS Wants to Ban Biden From Ballot

    Revise his position? HAHAHA HAHAHAHA You know as well as anyone he’ll handwave the facts off and mumble some bullshit…again. Greenman is the most opinionated blowhatd know-nothing on this board and damned proud of it. He'llopine long and hard on subjects he knows nothing about, will...
  6. Meghan54

    Republican governor veto's bill that guarantees access to contraceptives.

    Damn, you really are willing to scrape the bottom of that pig sty. I’ve always wondered who’s attracted to those bleach blonde Botox bimbos and why. Guess good taste is all in your anus?
  7. Meghan54

    Dune: Part Two | Official Trailer

    Started this morning. Did watch it but meh. Nice visuals. Book much better, as typically happens. But just wouldn’t go to any theater these days. I’m too f’n old for cellphones glowing, arguments between patrons, too much nasty air, etc. There’s a reason I bought an LG OLED tv.
  8. Meghan54

    Constitutional? Louisiana about to pass law requiring 10 Commandments be displayed in public schools

    Heck, if you want to go that far, have original sin explained. As for what the Bible says, God created the circumstances for it to happen and was not man’s failure nor responsibility at all.
  9. Meghan54

    Constitutional? Louisiana about to pass law requiring 10 Commandments be displayed in public schools

    W ell, you completely forgot to mention the frequently brought up Golf Gods (those gods were cited during the PGA tourney on Sunday), baseball gods, football gods, b-ball gods, baseball gods, etc, etc.
  10. Meghan54

    California Ending Hidden Consumer Fees

    You do know a percentage of sales tax collected is indeed kicked back to the business that collected it. It’s like 0.5-1%,so small time merchants get a little. But large scale enterprises get huge bucks. At least that’s how it works in MA, SC, and GA. Can’t imagine it being any different...
  11. Meghan54


    Just let “her” finish “her” transition surgeries….foremost getting that Adam’s apple shaved down.
  12. Meghan54

    Auto workers in TN vote to Unionize!

    Ju Just curious about how high you believe union dues are, since you label them excessive? The average annual cost of union dues is $400, or about two hours of pay per month...
  13. Meghan54

    Rural vs City death rates

  14. Meghan54

    Rural vs City death rates

    But did you ever experience Arlington National Cemetery at night whilst smoking weed? It was an interesting experience…🤪
  15. Meghan54

    OJ dead

    Honestly, couldn’t care less. He bought his verdict and that bullshit glove crap. Insulting
  16. Meghan54

    Another racist moron toasts any career prospects they might have had (Asa Blanton)

    Outside talking about yourself, why return here?
  17. Meghan54

    Arizona Supreme Court upholds civil war era law banning all abortions. Another purple state may turn solidly blue.

    Dude, Rome, GA, which is the largest “city” in her district, is in the foothills of the Appalachian Mountains…dueling banjos country (Deliverance) Racist, skanky crazy is an expected feature of the area, not anything odd.
  18. Meghan54

    Russia on brink of ... NOPE! Russia INVADES Ukraine!

    TL;DR wall of copy-pasta bullshit
  19. Meghan54

    Acorn Scares Police Officer -Empties Mag Into His Patrol Car w Suspect in Back

    I wonder what would happen to those idiots if they were in a really dangerous city, like Memphis. Wet themselves on a daily basis?
  20. Meghan54

    Russia on brink of ... NOPE! Russia INVADES Ukraine!

    He won’t or can’t read it. Ever wonder where these walls of text come from? Completely prepared for idiots like rawdog, et al, to copy paste into wherever they’ve been assigned to flood with disinformation and propaganda.
  21. Meghan54

    Russia on brink of ... NOPE! Russia INVADES Ukraine!

    TL;DR a wall of horseshit
  22. Meghan54

    Arizona Supreme Court upholds civil war era law banning all abortions. Another purple state may turn solidly blue.

    Along with Repubs continually trying to “cancel” Social Security and Medicare. During Trump’s presidency, every budget submitted by the WH had funding to both cut drastically. So while righties try to deny this, the budget requests show the truth.
  23. Meghan54

    Russia on brink of ... NOPE! Russia INVADES Ukraine!

    So, don’t answer the question but instead attempt a lame dismissal. Apparently base sarcasm is about all you deserve to receive.
  24. Meghan54

    F.C.C. Announces Plan to Repeal Net Neutrality

    I believe Samsung first phone release compatible with 5g was in 3029. Apple’s first was 2020. If memory serves. 🤪
  25. Meghan54

    Elon Musk now owns 9.2% of twitter...update.. will soon be the sole owner as Board of Directors accepts his purchase offer

    I’ve watched my next door neighbor ( one of my black friends) go through 4Jettas and one Audi A6….in 11 years. When one Jetta breaks beyond his skill to repair, he junks it and buys another. Biggest waste of money, but he loves ‘em. Interestingly, the frequency of failures on them has...
  26. Meghan54

    Israel: We Are At War

    Well, gotta strike while the iron’s hot. Re: the WCK apparent massacre.
  27. Meghan54

    Russia on brink of ... NOPE! Russia INVADES Ukraine!

    Wait a minute…you’re saying Russia manage to get three Aeroflot jets flying? At the same time? Gonna have a stroke.
  28. Meghan54

    Baltimore’s Francis Scott Key Bridge collapsed after being hit by a cargo boat.

    Wonder how the crew still on the Dali are doing? Heard it’s 22 persons.
  29. Meghan54

    What music are you listening to now?

    Got this stuck in me head right now…guess there’s worse. 🤪
  30. Meghan54

    The Hunt for Red (White & Blue) October? - New US Sub Propulsion

    And that brought this to mind….and I can’t get it out me head now. Thx Boomer 😂
  31. Meghan54

    Every Accusation is a Confession

    Well, looks like she has finally won?
  32. Meghan54

    Moscow concert attack so far 133 reported dead; ISIS claims responsibility

    Wonder if it could be one of those rechargeable battery-oped “generators” as they call them. One of my neighbors (one of my black friends) has one. Recharges his phone and Flip 5 he has. He says it has some sort of variable output in addition to the usb ports. I’ve got a battery...
  33. Meghan54

    Russia on brink of ... NOPE! Russia INVADES Ukraine!

    Couldn’t tell you with absolute accuracy, but maybe because that concert hall is part of a much larger entertainment/shopping area referred to as Crocus City. As a tourist destination, I’d imagine English signs, etc can be found throughout the area. btw…this concert hall has had English...
  34. Meghan54

    Israel: We Are At War

    Oh come on. You think these weapons manufacturing sites were uber secret locations that were suddenly exposed to the world in that post/article? That’s a laugh. Public info. If they’re under some “threat” now, it’s not much different than threats to the same facilities over the last few...
  35. Meghan54

    Discussion The impeachment inquiry into Joe Biden

    Not to bring up old bs, but when one says “Democrat legislature”, that implies Democrat control of at least one part of the state govt—-Senate and/or House. Democrats have not controlled any part of GA state govt since 2002. I sincerely hope your ignorance about politics doesn’t reflect...