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  1. F

    Question 'Ampere'/Next-gen gaming uarch speculation thread

    I've been thinking myself about that, if the massive cooler really is for dealing with monster power consumption, or maybe instead to handle a perhaps somewhat higher than usual high-end-like power consumption either at or near whisper quiet sound levels. It's an interesting situation, I can...
  2. F

    lukashenko about to flee in belarus?

    There's a significant chance he'll at least try - spurred on by Vladdy Putler no doubt, because if the Russian population sees that Lukashenko got evicted by a popular uprising, Putler will no longer be as secure as he once was. If the army is actually willing to fire on their own people is...
  3. F

    Question 'Ampere'/Next-gen gaming uarch speculation thread

    The Founder's Edition boxes even contain a little black leather jacket to dress up your graphics card in! What you say makes a lot of sense, the current system is a bit of a mess. Like, who enjoys fiddling with those finicky 6+2-pin GPU power connectors, and trying to insert two separate...
  4. F

    Where should I move to (within the U.S.)?

    The more morally uptight the religion, the kinkier the practitioners...
  5. F

    Trumpf meme thread

    I'm laughing way more at that stupid photochop than what's healthy. lol
  6. F

    Poll: Is Trump and his new Postmaster General sabotaging the Postal Service to effect the upcoming election?

    They're proud of you calling them trolls. To them that means they pissed you off and therefore owned you, so mission accomplished, like. Oh, and honest debate? That's for fags. We do not allow the use of homophobic slurs here. Perknose Forum Director
  7. F

    Putin critic Alexei Navalny in critical condition—poisoned?

    Putler knows Dumpy is too stupid, bigmouthed and brag-prone to trust with anything of any importance. Putler will tell Dumpy what he had for breakfast that morning, and in return Dumpy will eagerly give up state secrets.
  8. F

    Poll: Is Trump and his new Postmaster General sabotaging the Postal Service to effect the upcoming election?

    It's about owning the Libs. Only about that. Even the 'only voting "no", then not explaining why' is only about owning the Libs. Because they know it will piss the libtards off to vote no without any explanation.
  9. F

    Why can't AMD overtake Nvidia?

    This is incorrect, they are NOT related. Besides, if you think the CEO of one corporation would get away with deliberately holding back just to not step on the ego of another CEO of another corporation... Besides again, if you think Su, who has been fiercely loyal to AMD ever since she first...
  10. F

    Kim Klacik commercial

    Billions of flies live and thrive off of shit too mate. Doesn't mean a thing.
  11. F

    Trump - 8, Obama - 0 Take a guess!

    Trumpistas never tire of all the winning! Next; Bannon first, then Ghouliani, Turtle McYertleface, and after that the big orange enchilada himself hopefully... Then it's on to mopping up the rats fleeing the sinking vessel, the riffraff, smalltime hoodlums, scumbags and other minor players...
  12. F

    Donald Trump 2020

    All of these men have too much chin, so they obviously can't do it. Also, none of them weigh 300lbs to my knowledge, or have a fondness for elevator shoes... lol
  13. F

    Steve Bannon indicted as part of crowdfunding campaign to build border wall

    Right you are, I should have realized. You see what becoming parched like a mummy does to a person?! It made me mistake Beavis for Butt-Head! lol
  14. F

    Why are original model PS4's selling for so much?

    I assume the high price is because of the cool capacitive touch front buttons... :P
  15. F

    Question Speculation: RDNA2 + CDNA Architectures thread

    Gods... Cerny confirmed MONTHS ago now that PS5 is RDNA2. Go back and watch his presentation if you need a refresher. And it'll support the standard RDNA2 features like mesh shaders, even though Sony hasn't explicitly mentioned this feature or that feature and those other features over there...
  16. F

    Steve Bannon indicted as part of crowdfunding campaign to build border wall

    Jesus, Don Jr. looks parched like a fucking mummy in that picture. I have to conclude again that it's true that evil corrodes those who practice it from within.
  17. F

    Question 'Ampere'/Next-gen gaming uarch speculation thread

    One axial fan isn't enough to cool a modern high end GPU, so no, I don't think so. Besides, SLI has been murdered by modern graphics rendering techniques, so there's that too. Essentially, don't get hung up on that the fans are on different sides of the cooler. It really doesn't amount to a...
  18. F

    Fort Hood situation getting juicier every day.

    Serial killer on the loose over there...? Because damn. That's starting to look like a lot of bodies they're finding in odd places.
  19. F

    Steve Bannon indicted as part of crowdfunding campaign to build border wall

    Cancer can sweat? I did not know!
  20. F

    Steve Bannon indicted as part of crowdfunding campaign to build border wall

    Yes I'm sure it is, but Donnie Two-scoops doesn't have any of the courage of Vladimir Vladimirovich, he would never dare to be so bold. And I suspect Daddy Vladdy isn't quite foolish enough to assassinate a Merican presidential candidate either. Dictators can kill their own people with almost...
  21. F

    Steve Bannon indicted as part of crowdfunding campaign to build border wall

    Hey, it could be something much more mundane than that. For example, Alexander Lebed died in a helicopter crash back in 2002. Now, helicopters are basically the unsafest mainstream aerial vehicles at the best of times and Russian helicopters probably aren't safer than your average helicopter...
  22. F

    Steve Bannon indicted as part of crowdfunding campaign to build border wall

    Curiouser and curiouser! Jesus, I wonder how deep THAT particular rabbit hole goes! For starters, who exactly are the people behind that construction company and how did they become recipients of $400M? If it was anything like that $300M contract (!) to rebuild the Puerto Rico power grid Ryan...
  23. F

    News Looks like a big bribery scandal in Ohio.

    Holy fucking shit, how corrupt you gotta be to not be able to find a defense lawyer because of conflicts of interest...? :O
  24. F

    Question 'Ampere'/Next-gen gaming uarch speculation thread

    A DIMM doesn't have a (rumored) power dissipation of upwards of 350W though. :) When you need to cool off that high a wattage I would think you'd want to use every opportunity to do so. Without airflow in the midsection there would be a large portion of the cooler doing basically nothing, which...
  25. F

    Obama eviscerates Trump.....Democracy is at stake@@!!

    I'm thinking maybe there's a simple explanation for that. If you stand around pumping gas all day long every day, breathing the fumes... It's gonna do a number on your brain. Trumpism: cause and effect, like.
  26. F

    Poll: Is Trump and his new Postmaster General sabotaging the Postal Service to effect the upcoming election?

    Yes, Orange Menace is surely the ultimate expression of Affluenza.
  27. F

    List of people I was surprised to learn were extreme conservatives.

    Tim Allen was great in Galaxy Quest. Seems he basically plays himself there, a self-obsessed douchebag. Maybe that's why the role works so well for him. And, I suppose there's Toy Story too. Never saw any of the sequels though. Also never saw an entire Home Improvement episode, it was always...
  28. F

    Well... It IS Florida..

    These people will all get exactly what they voted for. Maybe not exactly what they wanted, though. But hey, that's life. Unless you're a billionaire, of course.
  29. F

    Question Speculation: RDNA2 + CDNA Architectures thread

    It's not precedence to point at one unrelated hardware feature in a different generation of likewise unrelated hardware and then somehow extrapolating that into an internet rumor regarding two different generations of hardware being true. Likewise I'm not wrong when I said that these rumors...
  30. F

    Question 'Ampere'/Next-gen gaming uarch speculation thread

    A double sided cooler would violate ATX specs and block off cardslots, so NV wouldn't build a reference design that way. Or well, they could, I suppose, but they never have so far so I consider that an unlikely alternative. :) As you may be aware, the PCB only covers about 2/3 the length of the...
  31. F

    Question Speculation: RDNA2 + CDNA Architectures thread

    These types of wishful thinking fanboy-friendly rumors are almost never true. For example, I remember people back in the day essentially betting their lives on Wii main ASIC having special hardware not present in the Gamecube. Yeah, other than the Wifi and USB stuff, that wasn't the case. lol
  32. F

    Steve Bannon indicted as part of crowdfunding campaign to build border wall

    Hm, the tweet in question is gone. Mind summarizing, please? :) Also, who is this guy? lol I have no idea, I just love reading about shitty thieving trumptrain-associated scammers getting their just grapes. :D Hm, you don't think Bannon could have shifted that amount of dough by himself...
  33. F

    Steve Bannon indicted as part of crowdfunding campaign to build border wall

    Huhuhuhu! If the boat wasn't destined for a south american country I'll be disappointed! :cool: Btw, Bannon looks like the real-life embodiment of fucking cancer. How is he even alive? All the crooks around Dumpy have either been arrested or distanced themselves from him by now... The only...
  34. F

    Steve Bannon indicted as part of crowdfunding campaign to build border wall

    lol Steve Bannon, such a righteous, upstanding individual... Fuck that guy monster, for all eternity.
  35. F

    State of Michigan finally pays Flint residents for water scandal.

    So when are they arresting and charging the state governor and his puppets and cronies over this? They're all guilty as sin, of causing deliberate harm to people, covering said harm up, and also covering up their own involvement in the above. I'm thinking life in prison, without possibility of...
  36. F

    What is the maximum price you will pay for next gen?

    You're right. The SeX is doing that. SeS is competing with low/er price.
  37. F

    News Intel GPUs - Battlemage rumoured cancelled (again)

    Errrr... No it doesn't! lol Second line logically follows from the first. What drugs are you on anyway? :P Dude, that's exactly what I said. They're such a large customer for TSMC (especially now that they're also building Mac CPUs there) that they're undoubtedly given special access to the...
  38. F

    Obama eviscerates Trump.....Democracy is at stake@@!!

    Well well well! He finally spoke out against Trump, for real. I don't know if Merica really was served by Obama's standoffish, classy-guy tactic of letting Dumpy essentially do his own thing for three and a half years without any comment. Of course, a person with the least bit of tact would...
  39. F

    Poll: Is Trump and his new Postmaster General sabotaging the Postal Service to effect the upcoming election?

    This is the colossus of the U.S. empire on its feet of clay actively picking away at its own feet. MAGA, by dismantling and destroying critical infrastructure of the society itself. Any reasonable person would call this treason. You know that's what the Repuggers would call it if the Dems were...
  40. F

    List of people I was surprised to learn were extreme conservatives.

    Nobody's surprised about him, since it's not a secret he's both a massive douche and a conservative. And a massive douche. Stated again, for emphasis.